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allcove™ San Mateo - Now Open! 

The District is committed to addressing the unprecedented youth mental health needs facing young people.

Our investments in programs, services, and projects aim to:

  • Improve the system of care for youth and young adults
  • Remove barriers to accessing mental health services and supports
  • Improve early identification of mental health diagnosis
  • Reduce stigma surrounding mental health
  • Ensure youth/young adult voices are at the forefront of program development, implementation, and ongoing program delivery

What is allcove?

allcove™ is developing an innovative network of integrated youth mental health centers designed with, by, and for youth that reduce stigma, embrace mental wellness, increase community connection and provide access to culturally responsive services. allcove™ centers welcome young people ages 12 to 25 with mild to moderate needs, providing a unique space for them to access services, with resources and support for friends, family and the larger community. The centers are embedded within the community they serve and reflect the unique needs of local youth.

Anchored in a model of care that considers the holistic needs of young people, allcove™ centers are a place for them to take a moment of pause and access a range of services that include: Everything about allcove™ is designed with, by and for young people. From the look and feel, to the options youth have to engage in center activities, young people are co-creators and champions.

For more information about allcove™, please visit or email us at

Our relationship with allcove

In August 2018, the California Mental Health Services Oversight & Accountability Commission (MHSOAC) approved Santa Clara County’s Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) Innovation Plan totaling $15 million over a four-year period to launch allcove™, an integrated mental health youth drop-in center which seeks to increase access to vital services for youth ages 12 to 25 at a location that is designed by youth and for youth.

Services include mental and behavioral health, physical health, education, and employment support, and linkage to other services. The Center for Youth Mental Health and Wellbeing in Stanford’s Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences (Stanford) developed allcove™ with input and leadership from Santa Clara County youth which builds upon Australia’s headspace© model.

In January 2020, the Commission allocated $10 million for grants to expand allcove™ youth drop-in centers and $4.6 million to contract with Stanford as the exclusive implementation support provider for allcove™ to provide technical assistance to grantees and other interested counties or program providers in exploring opportunities for establishing allcove™ youth drop-in centers in their communities. In June 2020 Peninsula Health Care District was awarded a 2 million dollar grant to launch allcove™ San Mateo.

For more information on allcove San Mateo, please contact

allcove San Mateo Youth Advisory Group

To ensure that youth voices continue to be at the forefront of the allcove™ San Mateo center experience, PHCD selected a group of young leaders ages 16-25 who represent the diversity of the Peninsula and surrounding communities across race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, lived experience, ability and socio-economic status.  

Youth Advisory Group members help allcove™ San Mateo gain a better understanding of young peoples’ needs and opinions to provide them with relevant and effective services. The Youth Advisory Group is comprised of 16 young people from the local community of Peninsula Health Care District.

For more information regarding our Youth Advisory Group, please contact Jackie Almes, Youth Outreach Specialist, at

Hours of Operation

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 1pm - 7pm 

Saturday: 10am - 2pm

Contact Information 

(650) 226-7030