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Welcome to the allcove™ San Mateo Informational Page

**Applications are now closed as of September 16th, 2022

Peninsula Health Care District is issuing and soliciting proposals from qualified and interested provider agencies for the provision of services for a new integrated youth drop-in center called allcove™ San Mateo.

To learn more about allcove™ please visit the website here.

Please note that any agency or individual applying for the RFP MUST attend the Proposers Conference as part of the application requirements. 


The meeting will be held remotely individuals can attend via Zoom. An optional site visit of the proposed location will be offered, and it will be in-person only and optional. This will give applying agencies an in-person look at where the allcove™ San Mateo center will be located.

Important Details:
All COVID-19 social distancing measures will be applied, and attendees will have the option to wear a mask during site visits.

If you have any questions about the Proposers Conference, and details directly associated with the event or site visits, please feel free to reach out to Jackie Almes - Youth Outreach Specialist, at:

All other inquiries, including questions regarding the RFP, scope of work, timelines, deadlines etc. should be directed to:

The following represents a timeline of projected milestones in the request for proposal (RFP). Please note some of these dates are subject to change.

The RFP requires that applicants submit (7) paper (hard) copies of their proposal and (1) electronic copy.  Electronic copies may be uploaded to PHCD using the following link


Please review the following dates and links from each drop-down menu to learn more. 

Proposers Conference - August 11, 2022 

Time: 9:30am - 12:30pm (PST) 

Location: Via Zoom


**Please Note that attending virtually  is a requirement in order for your application to be considered**

Optional Site Visit #1 - August 12, 2022 

Optional - Site Visit #1 (Future allcove™ San Mateo Location)

Address: 2600 S El Camino Real, San Mateo, CA 94403

Time: 1:00pm (PST)

Please RSVP here:

Please note you only need to attend one of the site visits not both, they are completely optional and not required.

Optional Site Visit #2 - August 19, 2022 

Optional - Site Visit #2 (Future allcove™ San Mateo Location)

Address: 2600 S El Camino Real, San Mateo, CA 94403

Time: 9:00am (PST)

Please RSVP here:

Please note you only need to attend one of the site visits not both, they are completely optional and not required.

Additional RFP Documents uploaded to this website (FAQ, Q&A) - August 26, 2022 

Additional documents added to our website. Q&A and FAQs documents will be posted on our website and electronically sent out to all those that attended the Proposers Conference. If you would like a hardcopy, please inquire at:

allcove™ San Mateo FAQs.pdf


Deadline to Submit Proposals - September 16, 2022 

Deadline for proposals submission (by 5:00pm PST)

Hard copy proposals required (1) original electronic copy; (7) hard copies;

Upload Electronic Copy HERE

PHCD Mailing Address (for hard-copy communication & proposal submissions) Peninsula Health Care District

Attn: Eddie Flores, Director of Youth Behavioral Programs 1819 Trousdale Drive Burlingame, CA 94010-4509

Notification of award to selected agency(s) - October 31, 2022* 

Notification of award to selected agency(s)

Contract awarded - December 2022* 

Contract awarded

 * Dates subject to change. 

Click here to RSVP!